Zde je k dispozici výběr publikovaných článků o využívání botulinového toxinu typu A a chirurgickém přístupu k migréně. Modré tituly je možné stáhnout jako celé soubory.
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1. Publikace chirurgického centra
Publikace, příspěvky do knih, publikované abstrakty, přednášky z konferencí. |
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2. Mezinárodní publikace
Literature on operative migraine therapy |
1. |
Muehlberger T, Wormald JCR, Hachach-Haram N, Mosahebi A. Migraine: A look down the nose. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2017; 70: 914-921. |
2. |
Muehlberger T Perikranielle Anatomie der chirurgischen Migränetherapie Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie 2012; 2: 9-13 |
3. |
Muehlberger T, Fischer P, Lehnhardt M. Die Anatomie der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. Zentralbl Chir 2005; 130:288-292 |
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Muehlberger T, Schwarze H, Hristopoulos G, Toman N. Operative Migräne-Therapie. In: Jahrbuch der Chirurgie 2005. Köln, Biermann Verlag 2005, 267-276 |
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Muehlberger T, Brittner W, Buschmann A, Toman N. Lasting outcome of the surgical treatment of migraine headaches – a four year follow-up. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008; 122:32-33 |
2. |
Muehlberger T, Buschmann A, Ottomann C. Die Kosteneffektivität der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. |
3. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N, Akbas M. Die transpalpebrale Corrugator-Resektion als Migränetherapie: Eine prospektive Studie. Abstracts/36. Jahrestagung VDPC, Congress Compact Verlag Berlin 2005; 119 |
4. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N, Akbas M. Die Migränetherapie mit Botox: Spielt die Kenntnis der Anatomie eine Rolle? Abstracts/36. Jahrestagung VDPC, Congress Compact Verlag Berlin 2005; 118 |
5. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N, Akbas M. Komplett- versus Teilresektion der Corrugator-Muskeln in der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. Abstracts/36. Jahrestagung VDPC, Congress Compact Verlag Berlin 2005; 77 |
6. |
Muehlberger T, Schwarze H, Hristopoulos G, Fischer P. Die Anatomie der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. Abstracts/35. Jahrestagung VDPC, Congress Compact Verlag Berlin 2004; 28-29 |
1. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N, Ottomann C. Buschmann A. Surgical denervation of the corrugator muscles against migraine headaches. 19th Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Melbourne, Australien, 10-13 Februar 2008 |
2. |
Muehlberger T, Ottomann C, Toman N, Buschmann A. The cost-effectiveness of the surgical treatment of migraine headaches. 19th Congress of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Melbourne, Australien, 10-13 Februar 2008 |
3. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N. Die transpalpebrale Corrugator-Resektion als chirurgische Migränetherapie - Eine prospektive Studie. 36. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Plastischen Chirurgen/VDPC, München, 28 September - 1 Oktober 2005 |
4. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N. Die Migränetherapie mit Botox: Spielt die Kenntnis der Anatomie eine Rolle? 36. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Plastischen Chirurgen/VDPC, München, 28 September - 1 Oktober 2005 |
5. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N. Partial versus complete resection of the corrugator muscles in the surgical treatment of migraine headaches. 10th Congress ESPRAS/European Societies of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Wien, Österreich, 30 August- 3 September, 2005 |
6. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N, Fischer P. Injecting Botulinum toxin in the treatment of migraine headaches: Does anatomy matter? Summer Meeting/British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Eton College, England, 6-8 Juli, 2005 |
7. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N, Fischer P. The anatomy of the surgical treatment of migraine. Summer Meeting/British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Eton College, England, 6-8 Juli, 2005 |
8. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N, Fischer P. Surgical treatment of migraine headaches by transpalpebral resection of the corrugator supercilii muscle. Summer Meeting/British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Eton College, England, 6-8 Juli, 2005 |
1. |
Muehlberger T, Brittner W, Buschmann A, Toman N. Lasting outcome of the surgical treatment of migraine headaches – a four year follow-up. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Chicago, USA, 31 Oktober -5 November 2008 |
2. |
Muehlberger T, Buschmann A, Toman N. Résultats continus du traitement chirurgical de la migraine – quatre ans de follow-up. 44e Congres de la Societe Suisse de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructive et Esthetique, Lausanne, Schweiz, 3-4 Oktober 2008 |
3. |
Agostini P, Andree C, Muehlberger T. Rislutati duraturi del trattamento chirurgico dell’emicrania – un follow-ip di quattro anni. 57° Congresso Nazionale di Chirurgia Plastica Riconstruttiva ed Estetica, Neapel, Italien, 24-27 September 2008 |
4. |
Muehlberger T, Buschmann A, Ottomann, Toman N. Die Kosteneffektivität der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. 125. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Berlin, 22-25 April 2008 |
5. |
Muehlberger T, Buschmann A, Toman N. Die Kosteneffektivität der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. 43. Jahrestagung der SGPRAC (Societe Suisse de Chirugie Plastique, Reconstructive et Esthetique), Montreux, Schweiz, 5-6. Oktober 2007 |
6. |
Muehlberger T, Buschmann A, Toman N. Partial versus complete resection of the corrugator muscles in the surgical treatment of migraine headaches. 24th Annual Meeting Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons, Southampton, Bermuda, 3-7 Oktober, 2007 |
7. |
Muehlberger T, Buschmann A, Toman N, Ottomann C. The cost-effectiveness of the surgical treatment of migraine headaches. 14th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS), Berlin, 26-30 Juni 2007 |
8. |
Muehlberger T. The surgical treatment of migraine headaches. 24. Microsurgery Course. Canniesburn Plastic Surgery Unit, University of Glasgow, 6-8 Oktober, 2006-09-11 |
9. |
Muehlberger T, Blazek J, Ottomann C. Die Anatomie der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. 123. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Berlin, 2-5 Mai, 2006 |
10. |
Muehlberger T, Ottomann C, Blazek J. Die transpalpebrale Corrugator-Resektion als chirurgische Migränetherapie. 123. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Berlin, 2-5 Mai, 2006 |
11. |
Muehlberger T. Die Anatomie der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. 16. Symposion für ästhetische, plastisch-rekonstruktive Gesichtschirurgie, Sylt 27 April- 1 Mai, 2006 |
12. |
Muehlberger T.. Komplett- versus Teilresektion der Corrugator-Muskeln in der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. 16. Symposion für ästhetische, plastisch-rekonstruktive Gesichtschirurgie, Sylt 27 April- 1 Mai, 2006 |
13. |
Muehlberger T. The surgical treatment of migraine headaches. The Nose and Face / International Course on Septorhinoplasty and Facial Plastic Surgery. Charité Berlin, 3-6 Oktober, 2005 |
14. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N. Komplett- versus Teilresektion der Corrugator-Muskeln in der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. 36. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Deutschen Plastischen Chirurgen/VDPC, München, 28 September - 1 Oktober 2005 |
15. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N. Surgical treatment of migraine headaches by transpalpebral resection of the corrugator supercilii muscle. 10th Congress ESPRAS/European Societies of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Wien, Österreich, 30 August - 3 September, 2005 |
16. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N. The anatomy of the surgical treatment of migraine. 10th CongressESPRAS/European Societies of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Wien, Österreich, 30 August - 3 September, 2005 |
17. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N. Injecting Botulinum toxin in the treatment of migraine headaches: does anatomy matter? 10th Congress ESPRAS/European Societies of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Wien, Österreich, 30 August – 3 September, 2005 |
18. |
Muehlberger T, Toman N, Fischer P. Partial versus complete resection of the corrugator muscles in the surgical treatment of migraine headaches. Summer Meeting/British Association of Plastic Surgeons, Eton College, England, 6-8 Juli, 2005 |
19. |
Muehlberger T. Migräne operieren? Urania Berlin e. V. Deutsche Kultur-Gemeinschaft,21 Oktober, 2004 |
20. |
Muehlberger T, Schwarze H, Hristopoulos G, Fischer P. Die Anatomie der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. 35. Jahrestagung, Vereinigung der Deutschen Plastischen Chirurgen (VDPC), Düsseldorf 22-25 September, 2004 |
21. |
Muehlberger T. The anatomy of surgical migraine treatment. Visiting Professorship, Cornell University, New York, USA 11 März 2004 |
1. |
Muehlberger T, Wormald JCR, Hachach-Haram N, Mosahebi A. Migraine: A look down the nose. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2017; 70: 914-921. |
2. |
Guyuron B, Nahabet E, Khansa I, Reed D, Janis JE The Current Means for Detection of Migraine Headache Trigger Sites. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;136:860-867. |
3. |
Janis JE, Barker JC, Javadi C, Ducic I, Hagan R, Guyuron B. A review of current evidence in the surgical treatment of migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014;134:131S-41S. |
4. |
Lee M, Monson MA, Liu MT, Reed D, Guyuron B. Positive botulinum toxin type a response is a prognosticator for migraine surgery success. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2013; 131: 751-7. |
5. |
Larson K, Lee M, Davis J, Guyuron B. Factors contributing to migraine headache surgery failure and success. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011; 128: 1069-75. |
6. |
Janis JE, Dhanik A, Howard JH. Validation of the peripheral trigger point theory of migraine headaches: single-surgeon experience using botulinum toxin and surgical decompression. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;12:123-31. |
7. |
Guyuron B, Kriegler JS, Davis J, Amini SB. Five-year outcome of surgical treatment of migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;127:603-8. |
8. |
Janis JE, Hatef DA, Reece EM, McCluskey PD, Schaub TA, Guyuron B. Neurovascular compression of the greater occipital nerve: implications for migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;126:1996-2001. |
9. |
Kung TA, Guyuron B, Cederna PS. Migraine surgery: a plastic surgery solution for refractory migraine headache. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;127:181-9 |
10. |
Guyuron B, Reed D, Kriegler JS, Davis J, Pashmini N, Amini S.
![]() A placebo-controlled surgical trial of the treatment of migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg 2009; 124: 461-468 |
11. |
Ducic I, Hartmann EC, Larson EE. Indications and outcomes for surgical treatment of patients with chronic migraine headaches caused by occipital neuralgia. Plast Reconstr Surg 2009; 123: 1453-1461 |
12. |
Poggi JT, Grizzell BE, Helmer SD. Confirmation of surgical decompression to relieve migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008; 122: 115-122 |
13. |
Dellon AL, Andonian E, DeJesus RA. Measuring sensibility of the trigeminal nerve. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;120:1546-50 |
14. |
Janis JE, Ghavami A, Lemmon JA, Leedy JE, Guyuron B. The anatomy of the corrugator supercilii muscle: part II. Supraorbital nerve branching patterns. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008;121: 233-40 |
15. |
Janis JE, Ghavami A, Lemmon JA, Leedy JE, Guyuron B. Anatomy of the corrugator supercilii muscle: part I. Corrugator topography. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007;120:1647-53 |
16. |
Bartsch T. Migraine and the neck: new insights from basic data. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2005; 9: 191-6 |
17. |
Bearden WH, Anderson RL. Corrugator superciliaris muscle excision for tension and migraine headaches. Ophtal Plast Reconstr Surg 2005; 21: 418-422 |
18. |
Behmand RA, Tucker T, Guyuron B. Single-site botulinum toxin type A injection for elimination of migraine trigger points. Headache 2003; 43: 1085-1089 |
19. |
Burstein R, Cutrer M, Yarnitsky D. The development of cutaneous allodynia during a migraine attack. Clinical evidence for the sequential recruitment of spinal and supraspinal nociceptive neurons in migraine. Brain 2000; 123: 1703-1709 |
20. |
Dash KS, Janis JE, Guyuron B. The lesser and third occipital nerves and migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005; 115: 1752-1758 |
21. |
Dirnberger F, Becker K. Surgical treatment of migraine headaches by corrugator muscle resection. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; 114: 652-657 |
22. |
Guyuron B, Varghai A, Michelow BJ, Thomas T, Davis JR. Corrugator supercilii muscle resection and migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000; 106: 429-434 |
23. |
Guyuron B, Tucker T, Davis J. Surgical treatment of migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002; 109: 2183-2189 |
24. |
Guyuron B, Tucker T, Kriegler JS. Botulinum toxin A and migraine surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg 2003; 112: 171S-173S |
25. |
Guyuron B, Kriegler JS, Davis J, Amini SB. Comprehensive surgical treatment of migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005; 115:1-9 |
26. |
Haan J, Kors EE, Vanmolkot RJ, Maagdenberg A, Frants RR, Ferrari MD. Migraine genetics: an update. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2005; 9: 213-220 |
27. |
Malick A, Burstein R. Peripheral and central sensitization during migraine. Funct Neurol 2000; 15: 28-35 |
28. |
Mosser SW, Guyuron B, Janis JE, Rohrich RJ. The anatomy of the greater occipital nerve: implications for the etiology of migraine headaches. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; 113: 693-697 |
29. |
Muehlberger T, Fischer P, Lehnhardt M. Die Anatomie der chirurgischen Migränetherapie. Zentralbl Chir 2005; 130: 288-292 |
30. |
Omoigui S, Sunday I. Treatment of ptosis as a complication of botulinum toxin injection. Pain Med 2005; 6: 149-151 |
31. |
Totonchi A, Pashmini N, Guyuron B. The zygomaticotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve: an anatomical study. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005; 115: 273-277 |